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What is a PMAD?
For too long, the media has used postpartum depression as a blanket term used to encompass all perinatal mood and anxiety disorders...
Therapy from the Therapist’s Perspective
In this post, Stacy Stefaniak Luther, PsyD, LPC, answers some questions about therapy and what a new mom can expect should she decide to...
You Can’t Tell by Looking
Recently, in our social media feed, we shared a graphic stating “you can’t always tell by looking”. The truth of this statement rings...
Somewhere Along the Way
Somewhere along the way, mothers are often forgotten. After giving ourselves entirely to the process of growing and birthing a human,...
Entering the New Year with Radical Acceptance
A new year is upon us. We may not be ready to leave the one left behind; or, we may be grateful to let go and never look back. For some...
A Post of Hope: Jessica’s Story
Trigger Warning: suicidal thoughts “Stop fighting with your past, it’s over now.” This is something I have been telling myself for a...
Experiencing the Holidays in the Midst of a Perinatal Mood or Anxiety Disorder
The holidays can be a joyful time of year. However, they can also be a source of great stress, overwhelm and even pain. For moms who are...
A Post of Hope: Stacy’s Story
No one responded. Did they hear me? Did they not know? Did I not matter anymore? I’ll never know the answer why. Minutes seemed like...
Happy Birthday, Leo
*Trigger Warning: preterm labor, birth trauma Today marks one year. One year since I laid on the floor in a pool of blood wondering if my...
A Post of Hope: Ashley’s Story
*Trigger Warning: intrusive thoughts Ever since I can remember, I wanted to be a mother. I dreamt about the beauty of being pregnant,...
The Waiting Game
No one ever warned you about this. No one told you that you were vulnerable from the moment you saw the positive pregnancy test. But here...
A Post of Hope: Alexis’ Story
Trigger Warning: Intrusive Thoughts, Pre-Term Labor It was a beautiful fall day, one that felt more like summer. 33 weeks pregnant with...
Never Say Never – Deciding to have a baby after PPD
The sun was shining brightly on a perfect Arizona day in early April. Our brains were set in relaxation mode, with no clue that a major...
A Post of Hope: Stephanie’s Story
Trigger warning: Postpartum Depression, Suicide A little over a month ago I saw another story about a new mom taking her life. This mom...
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